and beyond customer expectations

and Cargo services

in cargo handling activities

Any Time, Anywhere

Dedicated Team
For all your logistics and cargo services Contact us. We take our commitments seriously
LILL specializing in logistics and cargo services
LILL was established on the 4th of October 2018. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Ahi Investment Limited, specializing in logistics and cargo services. It has an extensive experience in associated cargo handling activities operated by professional, dedicated and well experienced workforce Well-committed services of LILL is reflected on the excellent performance provided to its clients.
Our vision
Develop a first-class workforce who will deliver premium logistics services to our valued customers through a highly-performance driven culture created on relentless pursuit of perfection, operational excellence and continuous improvement that will result in long-term benefits and prosperity for our community.
Our purpose
Create highly efficient logistics solutions to all our clients and provide sustainable economic and social benefits to our community, whilst maintaining our identity and empowering our people.
Core Values
LILL was established on the 4th of October 2018. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Ahi Investment Limited, specializing in logistics and cargo services.
“Never be satisfied with average or good enough” Excellence is a way of life we embrace challenges with positivity and go above and beyond the call of duty because it’s our way of life.
“Listen, understand and have empathy” We are humans. We all have the same experiences, hopes and fear. Our compassion allows us to understand the needs of others and what we do to help.
“Be eager, adventurous and creative” We challenge conventional wisdom and the status quo in search of a better way. We embrace ingenuity.
“Embrace opportunities to learn and develop” Flexibility to learn and improve. We invest in our people so we can grow individually and collectively as an organization. Through personal growth and continuous improvements, we enrich ourselves and are better prepared to develop any opportunities as they arise.
“Honour our commitments to our stakeholders” We take our commitments seriously. We will do everything our power to deliver on our commitments. We accept and learn from our mistakes. We strive to do the right thing.
LILL is one of PNG’s most progressive and innovative logistics and cargo services
PNG’s Safe and Reliable logistics and cargo services. One-stop logistics service provider.
Timed Delivery
Customer Satisfaction

Services Designed To Deliver - Any Time, Anywhere
Our years of expertise enables us to understand the requirements of the clients as we focus on delivering to their requirements.







“I like my job in that it is challenging being the only female among male, I get to meet the errand with other sections of the company. Playing my role in the company is vital because we acquire procurement from both local and foreign firms. Thus, portrait of the company image is very important. LILL is a striving new company and to have a team of professionals to work with to share ideas would help grow the company and meet its aims and goals”
Engineering Department
“Being an employee of LILL, as a Landowner company representing the 6 Ahi Villages, has both boosted and challenged my behavior and actions, both, during and outside work. Knowing you not only have clients and business partners to impress but a whole lot of younger generation from the six Ahi Villages, has both influence and dictated the practice of sober and punctual habits into me”.
Accounts Department
“LILL has provided me with a challenging but supportive working environment where I have learnt to gain confidence in myself through the work that I do. The challenges I face each and every day helps me to focus more on what objective LILL wants and what effort I put into it to make it work”.
Fleet Supervisor
“The internal work environment at LILL far exceeds any corporation for which I’ve worked. LILL stresses the importance of family, if an employee needs time off for family emergencies and such, it will happen, you are encouraged to take care of your family. LILL truly values its employees. Yet another way LILL values its employees is by providing the employees with the health insurance, the shuttle buses and the daily lunches. LILL is the best employer where you always have a voice in your team no matter who you are! I’m proud to be a part of this exceptional organization.”
HSSE Officer
“I was happy that LILL have arranged for me to attend the Supervisors’ training which instilled me pride to stand out and perform my job to the best of my ability. It has made me a winner to speak to client with confidence and also speak fluently with customers and win their interest to LILL”.
Agency Supervisor
“I really enjoy my role being a customer service officer, communicating with all our business partners, connecting new customers to our business and prioritize past and better service in the company’s (Lae Inland Logistics Limited) rapid growth”.
Customer Service Department
“I enjoyed working at Lae Inland Land Logistics Ltd. LILL is a 100% Nationally Owned company. and it’s a new company so while the company is growing, I’ll also grow my knowledge in a Logistics Company like this”.
HR & Admin Supervisor
Delivery you can trust. Reliable since 2018.

Get a free quote here
Whether you have a question about our services, pricing or anything else, our team is ready to answer all your questions.
LILL fully supports and participates towards AIL’s Corporate Social Responsibility programs.
LILL and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. LILL is 100% owned by Ahi Investment Limited (AIL). LILL fully supports and participates towards AIL’s Corporate Social Responsibility programs which contribute to improving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.